#BUGS: BSD Unix and other tech talk.
#BUGS: BSD User Group Singleton
#BUGS: BSD User Group Sydney (in lieu of inspiration)
#BUGS: BSD Using German Speakers
#BUGS: Baileys User Group Singleton
#BUGS: Bring Unusually Good Stout
#BUGS: Bringing Unusual Garden Specimens
8th Jan… waiting… still waiting…
B.U.G,S: Belrose Understands Guys like, uS
B.U.G.S: BSD Unix Gives Security
B.U.G.S: BSD Unix, GNU Stallman.
B.U.G.S: BSD Uses GNU Software
B.U.G.S: Beer Usage Guarantees Stumblage
B.U.G.S: Belrose Understands Guys like uS
B.U.G.S: Bring Us Good Sojourn
B.U.G.S: Bulldogs unsatisfactory, game sucked
BSD Unixian Goes Skiing
BSD User's Group Sydney
BSD Usergroup Gathering Soon - Edwin's Place, 16th Sept.
BSD Users Get Serious.
BSD Users Grieve Steve
BSD Users Group Sydney
BSD usergroup gathering soon - Sam
BU(u)GS: Berkeley Unix (u) Group, Sydney
BUGA: BSD User's Group Almost
BUGA: BSD Users' Group Almost
BUGS BSD Users Group Sydney/Sweden (UTF-8 in use)
BUGS™: BSD® UNIX® - “Going Strong since 1978”™
BUGS: “Barely Useful Group of Sods”
BUGS: 10 years young!!
BUGS: 8th Jan… waiting…
BUGS: All the BSD you need!
BUGS: All your channel operations are belong to

BUGS: B(3) uvscom(4) g711conv(1) setreuid(2)
BUGS: B. S. D. - Oi!
BUGS: BSD - Ultimate, Great, Super!
BUGS: BSD - Using Great Software
BUGS: BSD Lovers within 10,000km of Sydney
BUGS: BSD Tip #01 “Need more time at the FreeBSD boot menu but can't find the Space Key? Pressing Backspace will restart the countdown timer.”
BUGS: BSD UNIX Going Strong
BUGS: BSD UNIX, Great Stuff
BUGS: BSD Unix - Gorgeously Sexy
BUGS: BSD Unix Garment Suggestions
BUGS: BSD Unix Gets Serious
BUGS: BSD Unix Gives Success
BUGS: BSD Unix Going Strong
BUGS: BSD Unix Grows Steadily
BUGS: BSD User Group Sydney
BUGS: BSD User Group Sydney (and other places)
BUGS: BSD User Group Sydney-ish
BUGS: BSD User's Group Sometimes
BUGS: BSD User's Group Sydney
BUGS: BSD Usergroup Gathering Soon - Edwin's Place, 16th Sept.
BUGS: BSD Users Get Spam
BUGS: BSD Users Greet Solstice
BUGS: BSD Users Group Scandinavia
BUGS: BSD Users Group Sydney
BUGS: BSD Users Group Sydney (and environs)
BUGS: BSD Users Group Sydney (and hangers-on)
BUGS: BSD Users Group Sydney (etc)
BUGS: BSD Users Group Sydney - Happy Australia Day!
BUGS: BSD Users' Global Soirée (we use UTF-8 here)
BUGS: BSD Users' Group Somewhere
BUGS: BSD Users' Group Stops
BUGS: BSD Users' Group Sydney
BUGS: BSD Users, Gently Sardonic
BUGS: BSD Usually Gets Spoken
BUGS: BSD, not Ubuntu, Gentoo or SuSE.
BUGS: Babies Under Garlic Sauce
BUGS: Back Under Glaring Sunlight
BUGS: Backspace Usage Generates Space
BUGS: Backward-delete-word Usage Generates Space
BUGS: Bad Unix Gun Slingers
BUGS: Bad Users Get Sighup'd
BUGS: Bad Users Get Spanked
BUGS: Bad, Ugly, Good; Scrambled
BUGS: Baking Unixhag & Groogle's Sourdough
BUGS: Baking Using Groogle's Sourdough
BUGS: Baking Using Groogle's System
BUGS: Bald Unless Got Shampoo
BUGS: Bald Users Get Shampooed
BUGS: Bang! Universe Generated. Simple.
BUGS: Banks Under Gross Stress
BUGS: Banning Underage Groping Sessions
BUGS: Barbecue Under Groogle's Supervision
BUGS: Barbecue Users Get Survey
BUGS: Barely Useful Group of Sods
BUGS: Bashing Up God-Awful Service-Providers
BUGS: Basic UFS Gets Synchronicity
BUGS: Bassoons, UNIX, Guitars and Strings
BUGS: Bastions of Unrelinquished Ggr–gle Synonyms - Meeting at Weekend of 17 April.
BUGS: Bastions of Unrelinquished Gr–gle Synonyms - Meeting at Weekend of 17 April.
BUGS: Bathurst Upsets GMH Supporters
BUGS: Bearded Ugliness Gone Somehow
BUGS: Bearded, Until Groogle Shaves.
BUGS: Because Ungainliness Graduates Serenade
BUGS: Because University Graduates Serenade
BUGS: Because Users Get Silence
BUGS: Because Users Get Space (to think)
BUGS: Because everyone has to live somewhere.
BUGS: Beef Users Gas Society
BUGS: Beelzebub Uses GNU Software
BUGS: Been, Used, Gone, Stuffed.
BUGS: Beer Unites GNU Software
BUGS: Beer-drinkers Usually Get SNAFU'd
BUGS: Begone Unwanted Gregorian Solstice!
BUGS: Begone Users of Gates' Software!
BUGS: Being Unemployed Greatly Sucks
BUGS: Being Unlucky Generates Superstition
BUGS: Being Unusually Geeky Sometimes
BUGS: Belatedly Unpredictably Gone Surfing
BUGS: Bending Under Great Stress
BUGS: Bending Usage, Grasping Synonyms
BUGS: Berkeley University Graduates Serenade
BUGS: Berkeley University Graduates Succeed
BUGS: Berkeley Unix (u) Group, Sydney
BUGS: Berkeley Unix Group, Sydney
BUGS: Best Use Gut Strings
BUGS: Best, Ultimate, Great, Super!
BUGS: Between Undulations Giddy Sensations
BUGS: Bewildered Universe Grapples Strings
BUGS: Beyond Urban Gathers - Singleton
BUGS: Big Upset Generating Splits
BUGS: Big User Group Scramble
BUGS: BigPong Under Groggy's Superiority
BUGS: Biggest Users Gathered Since….
BUGS: Bikesheds Using Green Shades
BUGS: Binary Update? Get Source!
BUGS: Birds Utter, Goats Stomp
BUGS: Birrell Goes Under Stroke
BUGS: Birrell Under Goes Stroke
BUGS: Birrell Unfortunately Gone Silent
BUGS: Birthdays Unwelcome, General Sympathy
BUGS: Bitter Uncles Giving Succour
BUGS: Blame Unaligned GNU struct's.
BUGS: Blending Unlikely Geographical Sociopaths
BUGS: Blogs Use Gratuitous Space
BUGS: BlokeMan Using Giant Slapper
BUGS: BlokeMan Using Giant Stick
BUGS: Bloody Uncooperative Gaoled SSH
BUGS: Bloody Unruly Goat Shepherds
BUGS: Bloody Unruly Group of Sailors
BUGS: Bloody Useless GNU Stupidities
BUGS: Bloody Useless Groogle's Satellite
BUGS: Blues Ultimately Grants Slowhand
BUGS: Boffins Using Geeky Software
BUGS: Boggling Under Glaring Stares.
BUGS: Bogus Uber Geeks on Steriods
BUGS: Boobs Use Grasping Suction
BUGS: Boot Using General Strategies
BUGS: Booze Underground Gambling Strippers
BUGS: Boozers Use Glenno's Stash
BUGS: Borderline Undiagnosed Group Sanity
BUGS: Bored Upon Going Slowly
BUGS: Boring Unless Gavin Stripteases
BUGS: Boring User Group Sydney-ish
BUGS: Bovines Undergo Graphic Sodomisation
BUGS: Boys Undo Group Silliness
BUGS: Bras (Underwire), G-Strings
BUGS: Brevicoryne Uroplata Geococcus Solenopsis
BUGS: Bring Us Good Sojourn
BUGS: Bringing Über German Speaking
BUGS: Bringing U Groogle via Satellite
BUGS: Bringing U Groogle via Satellite (soon)
BUGS: Bringing Unixhag to God and Satan
BUGS: Bringing Users Golden Silence
BUGS: Bringing Utopia to Geek's Screens
BUGS: Brisbane Upsets Gay Southeners
BUGS: Brisbane Usurps Gay Southerners
BUGS: Britons understand good satire
BUGS: Broken Unices Generate Segfaults
BUGS: Buffer Underruns Goanna Sleeps
BUGS: Buffer unlimited, growing store
BUGS: Building Unambiguously Great Software
BUGS: Building Up to a Great Solstice
BUGS: Building Usurper Goes Squatting
BUGS: Bulletin: Unixhag Guru Sighted!
BUGS: Bunky USB Greatly Sucks
BUGS: Burdened Using Ghost Script
BUGS: Busted Under Ground Seismologists
BUGS: Buying Used Gases Sucks
BUGS: Bye Unixhag - Get Shifted
BUGS: Criminal Minds put to Better Use.
BUGS: Don't get mad, get BOINC!
BUGS: For a tip on FreeBSD, try 'fortune freebsd-tips'
BUGS: For when you need space to think.
BUGS: FreeBSD-7.0 out soon!
BUGS: G is not Gentoo.
BUGS: Happy 0x7DA
BUGS: Happy Christmas
BUGS: Happy Sweet 16 to FreeBSD
BUGS: Hardcore nerds. (PG Recommended)
BUGS: Hardcore nerds.
BUGS: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
BUGS: Merry Christmas!
BUGS: Next meeting 18th April @sam's
BUGS: Next meeting today @peter's
BUGS: Next meeting tomorrow @peter's
BUGS: Next meeting: 16-Sep-2007 at Edwin's
BUGS: Online Family Planning
BUGS: Railing against style(9)!
BUGS: Random Gardening, Cooking and Photography Discussions
BUGS: The Carn(ival)age is Over?
BUGS: The Cone of Silence
BUGS: The hotter the better.
BUGS: Tip 0: For the tip-of-the-moment, run “fortune freebsd-tips”
BUGS: U is not Ubuntu.
BUGS: Water Supply Troubleshooting R Us!
BUGS: We Debug Anything!
BUGS: We came, we saw, we BSD'd.
BUGS: We don't need no stinkin' topic!
BUGS: We're all affiliated!
BUGS: We've got the power!
BUGS: Welcome to the Carnage!!
BUGS: What is a “handy”? Answer given this morning.
BUGS: What is a “handy”? Answer given tomorrow morning.
BUGS: What will YOU do with your extra second?
BUGS: When air guitar is just too much
BUGS: You're not a channel operator
BUGS: Z has the power!
BUGS: all the newest news!
BUGS: because unixhag greps supplicant
BUGS: benign underruns gently seep
BUGS: benign undrruns gently seep
BUGS: between usual grain supplements
BUGS: boring: unixhag, gro0gle, sourdough
BUGS: john has the power!
BUGS: use au.oz.org instead
B[Uu]*GS: Berkeley Unix Users U… Group, Sydney
B[Uu]*GS: Berkeley Unix Users Unanimously Using Ubiquitous Unix Unabashedly Usefully … Group, Sydney
B[Uu]*GS: Berkeley Unix Users Using Unix Usability… Group, Sydney
B[Uu]*GS: Berkeley Unix Users Using Users Usability… Group, Sydney
B[Uu]*GS: Berkeley Unix Using Users Usability… Group, Sydney
Barely Useful Group of Sods
Bogus Uber Geeks on Steriods
Bringing U Golden Showers
Callum is an operator!
Insert $1.20 for topic
Wanted: one topic, any condition
Wanted: topic.
[BUGS] 'R Us!
[BUGS] BSD Unix Group Sample
[BUGS] BSD Unix Group Share
[BUGS] BSD Unix Group Shitney
[BUGS] BSD Unix Group Strangers